Class Warfare, Division of Labor and the Free Market
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A 5 page paper discussing free market philosophies of Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky, George Orwell and Adam Smith. Marx
maintains that it is within the power of 'the people' to take control of the power structure controlling profits of owners at the expense of workers. However, Marx's 'the people' is little more than a euphemism for the state, the Big Brother of which Orwell so chillingly wrote. Chomsky espouses the same general attitude, but on a greatly expanded scale: multinational corporations are the owners of production; the people of Third World nations are those exploited and abused. He allows no credit for those people having intelligence of their own and the power to control their own destinies. It is the Smith model that survives as the most legitimate. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
File: CC6_KSclassWar.doc
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